Magic is such a wonderful, unifying force in the world. It is brought to us through fictional universes and legendary tales that stick with us through childhood and into adulthood. Fairytales are full of admirable messages for children, and they’re so good at inspiring kids to do great things. We want to inspire people in real life, too.

Our princess characters are fantastic bearers of light and positivity, so we want to share them with the New Orleans community in order to make the city an even more magical place. We are excited to bring wonder and joy to people in need and to wonder causes in the area, and we’re so glad to have amazing princess performers on our side to make it happen!

How The Princess Party Co. in New Orleans is Involved in Charity

What Our Princesses Do for Charity

Our princesses are the best of the best. They are all charming, friendly, and warm, and they love spreading magic in all kinds of situations and circumstances. Currently, our princesses are taking on two types of charitable work in New Orleans.

There are so many wonderful charity events taking place in the community, and we are often asked to take part in these events as entertainment for attendees and participants. Sometimes our princesses are the main entertainment, and other times they wander around the event space to entertain on an individual level, but no matter what, our princesses bring all of their magic and charm to every single one of these awareness events, fundraisers, and benefits.

We are also contacted by families with ill children and asked to come bring some much-needed joy to their home with a princess visit. We know just how necessary moments of pure happiness and excitement are when a child has been sick for so long. Our princesses are honored and touched to be able to be the ones to provide that lightness and brightness and interact with the kids in a positive and memorable way.

Hopefully, this is just the beginning of our charitable efforts. We want to continue finding new ways to do good things in the New Orleans community with our princess magic. We are just starting to send our princesses to children’s hospitals to interact with children on a larger scale, and we are excited to see what’s next!

Why We Want to Give Back

It’s simple, really. The Princess Party Co. in New Orleans is passionate about giving back to the community because we know we can make a difference. We have the resources and the platform to share magic, and we have the skilled performers and staff who want to put those things to good use.

Princesses are able to do wonderful, powerful things in our children’s favorite movies and fairytales. We’ve learned that real-life princesses like ours can do just as much to make a difference in someone’s life just by sharing a smile and a hug. With such a magical team behind us, The Princess Party Co. in New Orleans has everything needed to take part in charity work on a regular basis.

How You Can Help Share the Magic

In order for us to share our magic on such a large charitable scale, our princess parties need to be successful. Thanks to you, we are able to set aside portions of profit from each party we perform for future charitable use. Every party we do for a child like yours will help us grow our cushion so that we can donate our princess magic to those in need of some joy. We believe that every child should be able to experience a princess party, and you’re helping us reach that goal.

Want to help us even more? Spread the word so we can spread the magic! Sharing photos from your child’s princess party on social media and tagging us will help your friends and family find us. Leaving us a review will also help, as more people will choose us for their children’s celebrations after hearing what a great time you had. All of this will help us be able to donate shows to kids in need, and we think that’s absolutely magical.